CBM Manpower Contracting

CBM Manpower Contracting Services

BAFCO-Reliability provides long term condition-based monitoring(CBM) manpower services, where we mobilize a team of highly qualified and certified CBM Engineers/Technicians as per the need of our client at a very competitive rate.

Why BAFCO CBM Manpower Contracting Services?

We are not a manpower company, but a specialized company dealing in the field of reliability and PdM. We utilize all our resources to help our clients by proving them the best team that can implement the latest PdM technologies which develop a strong and reliable foundation of a maintenance excellence program, and thus reduce maintenance and downtime to increase productivity.

Benefits of BAFCO CBM Manpower Contracting Services

Based on the duration of contract, we offer up to 50% discount to our clients on several on-call CBM services like Vibration Analysis, Alignment & Balancing, Motion Amplification, Ultrasound, Thermography etc.

We also provide manpower team with PdM tools like Vibration analyzer, laser alignment kit, Ultrasonic systems, etc. In such cases we offer our clients a flexibility of paying for PdM tools in instalments over the period of contract.

BAFCO CBM Manpower Contracting Services Support

We provide continuous support to our team mobilized at client’s site by involving senior engineers from our head office who can remotely do the analysis of critical machines and advise necessary actions to be taken. We commit to provide 24/7 emergency on call CBM services as per the terms and condition of contract.

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